
  • a golden retriever sits tall for the camera. he is wearing a shark-print bandana, a teal harness, and, most importantly, a graduation cap pulled snugly over his noggin that comes down to his eyes. his face is serious, almost stern. the realities of life after school may have hit him, and if one more person asks what he’s doing after graduation, he will absolutely lose it.
  • a seated golden retriever smiles for the camera while a human’s arm holds a certificate proudly over his head. he’s smiling and full of hope for his future.
  • 13/10

This is Theo. He just received his Dogtorate Degree of Fine Barks. Just realized this may be a fake degree. He only learned how to sit for a snack. Not sure how that puppares him for the real world. What about taxes? Oh my god and he’s in so much debt. Hey at least he got this cool hat that isn’t appropriate to wear under any other circumstance. Sorry to ramble but he’s spiraling. If anyone is hiring please let him know

(follow @theodorebay310 on Instagram)

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